This archive is an (ongoing) personal efforts to collect my writings from different platforms, social networks and blogs and consolidate them here into a single repository.
607 entries from 2007 to 2025. (approx. 120065 words)
Sort by : title | date | word count
October 7th , 2024 - 524 words (fr)
'Reputation in anonymous contexts' report for UniRep / Ethereum Foundation -
November 15th , 2023 - 272 words (fr)
New working paper about global history of computer seen from Shenzhen, China -
January 31st , 2023 - 910 words (en)
SHAPES2048 <br><small>Looking back after 1 year of SLASHES</small> -
May 12th , 2020 - 355 words (en)
'Maker Communities: A Landscape of Spaces and Practices' - a lecture at Shenzhen University of Science and Technology -
April 8th , 2020 - 745 words (fr)
Des chercheurs européens proposent une application décentralisée pour sortir du confinement sans dévoiler nos données personnelles -
March 25th , 2020 - 2573 words (en)
‘REALTIME: Making Digital China’, some highlights on the book content -
March 22nd , 2020 - 387 words (fr)
Covid-19: Clinique et modélisation, la controverse des méthodes scientifiques -
March 20th , 2020 - 54 words (fr)
Je constitue une liste de demandeurs médicaux pour les dons de masques chinois -
February 24th , 2020 - 92 words (en)
[CFP] SCALE special issue : collecting the Locked Memories of Wuhan, Hubei (China) -
February 10th , 2020 - 37 words (en)
Great gift this morning in the mailbox: new samples of Shanz... -
August 6th , 2019 - 201 words (en)
Is it true that China has surpassed the United States in carbon emissions and has more than doubled its output? -
July 25th , 2019 - 45 words (en)
Other than the U.S. Civil War, has there ever been a war where a largely white army fought to end black slavery? -
July 3rd , 2019 - 351 words (en)
What are the pitfalls of React + D3? When are they worth the hassle i.e. the benefits outweigh the pitfalls? -
June 19th , 2019 - 273 words (en)
What are the potential negative consequences for the United States because of Trump's Huawei ban? -
March 27th , 2019 - 188 words (en)
Why is France 's President Macron talking tough about China when he is facing so many problems in French society and in the EU? -
February 21st , 2019 - 990 words (en)
We have human rights and animal rights. Should there be computer rights? -
January 2nd , 2019 - 161 words (en)
Is it a good decision to delete all social media networks such as WhatsApp and Facebook in order to focus on a PhD? -
January 1st , 2019 - 287 words (en)
What should Europe learn from the dynamic, fast developing countries of Asia? -
January 1st , 2019 - 63 words (en)
What is Alibaba 's strategy to surpass Amazon globally in the coming years? -
January 1st , 2019 - 79 words (en)
How can I find a job in Shenzhen for expats, preferably non-teaching? -
December 11th , 2018 - 756 words (en)
Why have the French turned so solidly and violently against their democratically elected President, Emmanuel Macron, in such a short period of time? -
December 7th , 2018 - 48 words (en)
Does the French 'Yellow Vest ' movement mainly organize on Facebook? -
December 5th , 2018 - 41 words (en)
Why is the plural of 'grand prix ' sometimes written as 'grands prix '? -
December 5th , 2018 - 26 words (en)
Is the Chinese Culture too different for Westerners to ever understand? -
December 4th , 2018 - 127 words (en)
Why do many Google employees protest Project Dragonfly on moral and censorship grounds; don 't they understand that Google is a for-profit business? -
December 4th , 2018 - 798 words (en)
Why are French people protesting so massively? Is it only for the fuel tax or there is more behind it? -
November 29th , 2018 - 44 words (en)
What's the point of using Flask when people say is not scalable? -
November 27th , 2018 - 94 words (en)
Is anybody surprised that Alibaba founder Jack Ma is a China Communist Party member? -
November 7th , 2018 - 522 words (en)
Emmanuel Macron has called for creation of a 'true European army' do you agree? Why or why not? -
October 24th , 2018 - 280 words (en)
What does spending $20bn on the world 's longest bridge say about the strength of China 's economy? -
October 23rd , 2018 - 555 words (en)
If French food is so great tasting, why don't we see more French restaurants? -
October 23rd , 2018 - 153 words (en)
How does Google justify working with the Chinese government but refusing to work with the US military? -
October 21st , 2018 - 73 words (en)
Who is the most regarded or popular leader of China other than Mao? -
October 21st , 2018 - 170 words (en)
What would a Uighur version of Joshua Wong or the Dalai Lama look like? -
October 20th , 2018 - 392 words (en)
What fundamental misunderstandings does the Chinese leadership have about western governments and western foreign policy? -
October 10th , 2018 - 41 words (en)
I 'm planning on moving to China to teach English. Which night programs are the best ones to take to become fluent in Mandarin? -
October 9th , 2018 - 34 words (en)
What are some things about higher education you discover as a professor that you couldn't understand as a student? -
October 6th , 2018 - 64 words (en)
When would Alibaba be able to push through the American or European market? -
October 5th , 2018 - 58 words (en)
Why are millennials becoming artists? Doesn 't the world need more scientists? -
October 5th , 2018 - 44 words (en)
Is the mean stack ( the best fullstack JavaScript framework? -
October 3rd , 2018 - 68 words (en)
Which is the first argument typically passed to a Node.js callback handler? -
September 29th , 2018 - 25 words (en)
What won't Silicon Valley admit about technology and progress? -
September 29th , 2018 - 189 words (en)
Is this true that many Chinese would like to get a green card in a Western country? Which countries would be the most desirable? -
September 15th , 2018 - 46 words (en)
How can foreigners use WeChat wallet or Alipay when visiting China? -
September 7th , 2018 - 19 words (en)
When learning Mandarin, what mistakes waste time for beginners? -
September 7th , 2018 - 94 words (en)
Has the rise of the gig economy contributed to greater wealth disparity and inequality as Thomas Piketty suggests in this chart? -
September 4th , 2018 - 133 words (en)
Why do China watchers pay so much attention to the front page of People 's Daily? -
August 31st , 2018 - 418 words (en)
What is a smart entry strategy for a westerner who wants to live and work in China? -
August 31st , 2018 - 74 words (en)
What do French people think about Indians who are studying and working in France? -
August 28th , 2018 - 51 words (en)
Will Greater Bay Area erase border, legal system, politics, and economic system between HK, Macau and China? -
August 26th , 2018 - 91 words (en)
How do you expect students to learn? What is your understanding of learning? -
August 25th , 2018 - 409 words (en)
Why are the French political parties so often recreated and renamed unlike in other countries? -
August 25th , 2018 - 32 words (en)
What type of web apps is Flask better for, and what type of web apps is Django better for? -
August 25th , 2018 - 73 words (en)
Economically speaking, is America better off by having its manufacturing plants in China? -
August 23rd , 2018 - 347 words (en)
Why did France never lay claim to the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey from the UK? -
August 23rd , 2018 - 14 words (en)
Which country has less poverty and looks 'cleaner' and organized,France, the UK, or Spain? -
August 23rd , 2018 - 143 words (en)
What would you say is the biggest problems facing the millennial/Generation Z today? -
August 23rd , 2018 - 321 words (en)
What made China think that the US would not have a strong reaction to its rise of China narrative? -
August 23rd , 2018 - 44 words (en)
Is graphic designing relevant to software engineering? If so, how? -
August 23rd , 2018 - 2 words (en)
If Silicon Valley is where you go for start-ups, LA for acting, and New York for finance, what do you go to London for? -
August 23rd , 2018 - 12 words (en)
I want to build multiple Wordpress sites to show on my portfolio for employers. What is the best way to do this? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 250 words (en)
Why is opacity such an important feature of the Chinese business world and society? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 27 words (en)
What region has the most opportunities for software engineers besides Silicon Valley? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 41 words (en)
What is the way to correct the behavior of countries that dig under walls and infiltrate by sending spies? Is force the only way for that? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 36 words (en)
What is the difference between the Yonex racket made in China and Japan? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 158 words (en)
What are the biggest challenges WeChat faces as it expands outside of China? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 26 words (en)
Is it true that Internet connections in China will collapse if you paste 06/04/1987 on a Chinese website/server? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 217 words (en)
Is it harder for a native English speaker to learn Arabic or Chinese? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 15 words (en)
In your opinion, how do you think the world would react if Japan builds a giant mechanical Robot Godzilla from Godzilla movies? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 104 words (en)
How extensive is China 's program to give grants to U.S. startups to get them to relocate to China to gain access to their technology? -
August 22nd , 2018 - 230 words (en)
Did the Anthropocene epoch begin in say 1950, or does one select a much earlier date, e.g., 2000 BC? -
August 20th , 2018 - 141 words (en)
What 's the difference between Etherium and Etherium Classic (ETC)? -
July 16th , 2018 - 675 words (en)
What are the special advantages which Chinese Internet companies in China have compared to Internet companies in other countries? -
June 8th , 2018 - 228 words (en)
Why is Qingdao chosen as the venue for 2018 Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization? -
May 2nd , 2018 - 1011 words (en)
Panel: Makers Communities and the Production of Technology in China -
April 2nd , 2018 - 103 words (en)
Why doesn't Shenzhen have an attractive university for both Chinese and foreigners? -
March 27th , 2018 - 2158 words (en)
Report : investigation, teamwork, events and making a book in 10 days -
February 27th , 2018 - 22 words (en)
10min using WeChat and facial recognition to get a new sim c... -
February 13th , 2018 - 321 words (en)
Is China growing because it has a growth mindset, while the US is closing up and becoming isolationist because it has a scarcity mindset? -
February 4th , 2018 - 208 words (en)
How has the Chinese government 's regulation of Internet content affected the business models for Chinese Internet companies? -
January 20th , 2018 - 35 words (en)
Do women view men only in terms of their ability to give them access to resources? -
December 24th , 2017 - 56 words (en)
How important are the HSK 汉语水平考试 exams for non-Chinese who want to demonstrate their Chinese language proficiency to employers? -
September 22nd , 2017 - 17 words (en)
To be or not to be, that is the question #subway #weird #sit... -
September 21st , 2017 - 24 words (en)
This road is actually INSIDE a university. Students have to... -
September 19th , 2017 - 144 words (en)
Which one is better for learning Mandarin in Shanghai, Fudan, SJTU, or SISU? -
September 18th , 2017 - 20 words (en)
Fortunately this duck from the world expo in 2010 has been k... -
September 18th , 2017 - 15 words (en)
What do you need again? #laclasse #everything #selfiestick #... -
September 18th , 2017 - 14 words (en)
In China, books are actually cool #bookstore #lifestyle #lea... -
September 13th , 2017 - 179 words (en)
Why is Chinese language fluency important for non-Chinese learning Chinese? -
September 13th , 2017 - 156 words (en)
Why does China prohibit foreigners from staying in 'low class ' hotels? Is there any other country that does this? -
September 13th , 2017 - 35 words (en)
What are the main criticisms of Chinese foreign policy in 2017? -
September 13th , 2017 - 41 words (en)
Is becoming fluent in Chinese like learning computer programming? -
September 13th , 2017 - 11 words (en)
Printing messages on money #underground #political #communic... -
September 12th , 2017 - 12 words (en)
The permanent Internet conference #neverending #bla #interne... -
September 10th , 2017 - 34 words (en)
Today in sharing economy : power bank. Scan the QR code, get... -
September 1st , 2017 - 17 words (en)
Hardcore product placement : 1 car, 1 phone and 1 drink #tv ... -
August 30th , 2017 - 53 words (en)
How can I become more of alpha male in a group where everyone has a quality better than I do? -
May 22nd , 2017 - 6 words (en)
What cars do Chinese people drive in order to be identified as Chinese? -
April 17th , 2017 - 114 words (en)
How do French men feel about being forbidden by law to request a paternity test? -
March 27th , 2017 - 83 words (en)
Paper CHI17: Making the city, re-assembling spaces of manufacturing -
March 16th , 2017 - 69 words (en)
Why the photo I posted in full image on sina Weibo turns out to be not as clear as it should be? -
February 24th , 2017 - 303 words (en)
What is your opinion on the report of Baidu 's Robin Li being restrcited to leave China and Baidu 's later statment to deny? -
February 19th , 2017 - 174 words (en)
What biographies should I read to have a better understanding of Chinese history? -
February 16th , 2017 - 16 words (en)
What exactly did Trump extract from China 's Xi in exchange for preservation of the 25 year old One China policy? -
January 5th , 2017 - 113 words (en)
How many hours a day should I learn Chinese to be fluent in a year? -
December 12th , 2016 - 87 words (en)
What is it like to live in the M50 art district in Shanghai vs living in Xuhui? Is it even common for people to live in that area (M50)? -
October 13th , 2016 - 604 words (en)
How will Apple 's announcement to open a research and development center in Shenzhen affect the startup and makers movements there? -
September 21st , 2016 - 140 words (en)
What does the Uber-Didi deal teach us about foreign tech companies trying to do business in China? -
September 9th , 2016 - 22 words (en)
WTF is this dude doing there ? Checking on his legacy #wuhan... -
July 18th , 2016 - 163 words (en)
Why haven 't terrorist attacks happened in Germany, Italy, Spain, England or Northern European countries but keep happening in France? -
July 16th , 2016 - 734 words (en)
What motivated 31 year old Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel to commit such crime in Nice? -
May 25th , 2016 - 114 words (en)
Where can I learn techniques to use less IF statements for JavaScript? -
December 30th , 2015 - 19 words (en)
What is the most frustrating thing about being a computer programmer? -
December 23rd , 2015 - 111 words (en)
What is the history of the fight between Pierre Bourdieu and Ségolène Royal? -
December 14th , 2015 - 24 words (en)
Ready to talk about #lolcats in the woody atmosphere of Pari... -
November 23rd , 2015 - 15 words (en)
Digging up my old exercise books... Back to learning Arabic ... -
September 22nd , 2015 - 48 words (en)
Is there any lawsuit between Sina Weibo and Twitter because they are identical? -
September 17th , 2015 - 104 words (en)
Kibana and Grafana are written in AngularJS and AngularJS uses dirty watch for two way data binding. As performance issues can easily come up when the number of table data is more due to dirty watch, why would AnglarJS have been chosen as the preferred framework? -
September 4th , 2015 - 20 words (en)
What are some compliments or flattering phrases you can say to a woman in French? -
August 28th , 2015 - 53 words (en)
Which one would be better to learn FIRST for someone who wants to build apps in JavaScript, angular or node-express? -
August 28th , 2015 - 455 words (en)
Which is the best front-end JavaScript framework/library for building an interactive web analytics dashboard? -
August 27th , 2015 - 20 words (en)
What things do you learn or realise during the first week of marriage? -
August 27th , 2015 - 2 words (en)
What do you call someone who supports the genocide of all humanity? -
August 13th , 2015 - 227 words (en)
Is it difficult for a foreigner to read a Chinese book in China although many interesting books are written in Chinese? -
August 5th , 2015 - 119 words (en)
I want to start learning about MEAN, what are some great projects to start with or some advanced projects? -
August 2nd , 2015 - 860 words (en)
Is there a list of eco-friendly municipal developments in China, and how successful each project has been? -
August 1st , 2015 - 51 words (en)
What is the easiest way to learn Chinese language skills with the least effort? -
August 1st , 2015 - 265 words (en)
What are links to interview statistics/information for the immigrant populace trying to gain entrance into the UK from Calais and France? -
August 1st , 2015 - 188 words (en)
How many people can I easily communicate with if I know English, Russian, France French, and Mandarin? -
August 1st , 2015 - 7 words (en)
As of July 2015, what are some topics on Quora that need more experts? -
July 19th , 2015 - 151 words (en)
Is it safe to travel to Greece? If I travel there, do I need to take any precautions? -
July 16th , 2015 - 105 words (en)
What hardships are Greek citizens facing under the ongoing economic crisis? -
July 7th , 2015 - 54 words (en)
What 's an acceptable email signature for a startup CEO in Silicon Valley? -
April 16th , 2015 - 69 words (en)
I want to move to China for at least a year. What are some options I have? -
March 9th , 2015 - 107 words (en)
What programs does Intel have to identify and promote new engineering talent and new companies, both inside and outside the US? -
February 27th , 2015 - 590 words (en)
What do most designers get wrong about supply chain management when they try to get their product/s made in Shenzhen? -
February 27th , 2015 - 124 words (en)
What designers who have had successful Kickstarter campaigns are based in Shenzhen? -
February 24th , 2015 - 147 words (en)
Why are Google and Facebook banned in China? If Google is banned, then how do Chinese phones have Android? -
February 22nd , 2015 - 354 words (en)
What are the best gifts that I can bring from overseas for my Chinese friends? -
February 22nd , 2015 - 43 words (en)
What are some nice locally made Thai gifts that will be appreciated by people in China? -
February 21st , 2015 - 229 words (en)
If you have the opportunity to work at investment banking in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, which one would you choose? Why? -
February 20th , 2015 - 548 words (en)
What are special considerations which Apple Pay faces in China which it does not face in other markets? -
February 20th , 2015 - 46 words (en)
What are some different methods for protecting intellectual property? -
February 20th , 2015 - 161 words (en)
I live in the United States, but I want to find a job in Shanghai. How does one go about the search? -
February 18th , 2015 - 24 words (en)
Ordered socks from china and it was supposed to ship from china a while ago through e packet but it has been stuck in despatch from sorting center shanghei for 7 days my tracking number is EA136819979CN and I tried contacting the seller but she stopped responding after she got my money please help? -
February 15th , 2015 - 657 words (en)
What kind of organizational discrimination will exist in the future? -
February 15th , 2015 - 245 words (en)
What caused iPhones to be status symbols in China and around the world? -
February 15th , 2015 - 228 words (en)
How is watching movies or dramas a good way to improve spoken Chinese? -
February 15th , 2015 - 112 words (en)
Are there any special ways to learn to differentiate between the four Mandarin tones? -
February 13th , 2015 - 80 words (en)
Which writers have a profound understanding of the culture of Quebec and Montreal? -
February 13th , 2015 - 335 words (en)
How do people benefit from building free open source frameworks? -
February 11th , 2015 - 48 words (en)
How is Baidu Trends (百度预测-大数据 知天下) different from Google Trends? -
February 9th , 2015 - 22 words (en)
How do I find a reliable hardware device contract manufacturer in China? -
February 6th , 2015 - 288 words (en)
How do you go about getting an electronic product manufactured in China? What steps are involved? -
January 31st , 2015 - 16 words (en)
What is the most contentious question one can ask at a dinner party? -
January 29th , 2015 - 56 words (en)
What is the best place to meet Internet tech startup people such as VCs, entrepreneurs, or people working at startups in Beijing and Shanghai? -
January 29th , 2015 - 604 words (en)
How does the Internet startup scene in China differ when compared to that of Silicon Valley 's? -
January 28th , 2015 - 172 words (en)
Why did the Chinese government criticize Alibaba 's business practices in January of 2015? Was this politically motivated in some way? -
January 12th , 2015 - 47 words (en)
What is the most appropriate way for an outsider to approach university professors? -
January 11th , 2015 - 80 words (en)
Did Marine Le Pen participate in the massacre solidarity demonstration in Paris? -
January 7th , 2015 - 257 words (en)
What will be the response to the Islamic terrorists in the aftermath of the attack on the French Magazine Charlie Hebdo? -
August 9th , 2014 - 2 words (en)
What are some of the loneliest jobs in the world? Looking for careers where isolation is a part of the job description. -
July 25th , 2014 - 28 words (en)
How can I draw a 3d sphere with texture, like a football ball, using JavaScript? -
July 22nd , 2014 - 8 words (en)
How do you call the device you put in briefcases to retrace it in case it gets stolen? -
July 21st , 2014 - 4 words (en)
What is the best way to discipline a toddler without breaking their spirit? -
July 21st , 2014 - 35 words (en)
Is there a correlation between how well a professor lectures and how well they give academic talks? -
July 21st , 2014 - 198 words (en)
Given the same exact text in English and Chinese, which would take less time to read? -
July 18th , 2014 - 43 words (en)
I am going to Hong Kong next month. Are there any suggestions for me, especially the hotel? -
July 16th , 2014 - 139 words (en)
What relevance does the subject of history hold in the current world led by science and technology? -
July 16th , 2014 - 40 words (en)
I heard you can get a PhD in UK in 3 years. Can you do the same at Spain, France, Italy, etc? -
July 14th , 2014 - 19 words (en)
Are there any opensource JavaScript tools to make network graphs similar to Infomous? -
July 10th , 2014 - 17 words (en)
What would be a list of things to do before you go to France for 3 months? (Apart from usual passport/visa stuff) -
July 5th , 2014 - 132 words (en)
As a non-Chinese, how do you feel about the 'Occupy Central ' movement of Hong Kong? -
June 30th , 2014 - 7 words (en)
How could a Francophile get over his or her crush/obsession with France? -
June 23rd , 2014 - 174 words (en)
What have been the consequences of the French law banning the Burka? -
June 18th , 2014 - 200 words (en)
Which universities are in Ningbo, China and which fields are they strong in? -
June 17th , 2014 - 34 words (en)
What do foreigners think about the programme of 'A Bite of China '? -
June 16th , 2014 - 19 words (en)
How do I interact with my Taiwanese girlfriend 's mother when I don 't speak Chinese? -
June 16th , 2014 - 42 words (en)
China has blocked all of Google services now, why doesn 't Google fight back? -
June 9th , 2014 - 6 words (en)
How do Chinese citizens move significant sums of money overseas with the stringent foreign exchange controls in place? -
March 8th , 2014 - 31 words (en)
What impact has the British had on Hong Kong (government system, education, language, customs, religion, dress, etc.)? -
February 23rd , 2014 - 7 words (en)
Which imported products sell well in the Chinese domestic market to local consumers? -
February 23rd , 2014 - 161 words (en)
What do you think of Asians who are always gathering and using their mother tongue to communicate? -
February 21st , 2014 - 172 words (en)
In what ways are Chinese social trends and behavior ahead of US social trends and behavior? -
January 5th , 2014 - 108 words (en)
What 's a good English name for someone whose Chinese name is Chen Xinyi? -
October 11th , 2013 - 10 words (en)
What are some things which the vast majority of people think are true because of movies but are in fact total rubbish? -
September 29th , 2013 - 306 words (en)
Which Chinese companies or websites take more notice of the Data Mining Techniques? -
August 2nd , 2013 - 5 words (en)
Social Media Management: How do you cross post from Tumblr to Instagram? -
August 2nd , 2013 - 95 words (en)
How much refining does GTFS transit data need before being published? -
July 28th , 2013 - 15 words (en)
What are some challenging projects/ research problems in data mining that I can work on? -
June 16th , 2013 - 33 words (en)
What are the best ways for a non-French person to make friends with French people? -
May 17th , 2013 - 4 words (en)
If robots decide to exterminate the human race, how would they do it? -
April 10th , 2013 - 161 words (en)
What are five significant advantages China and the Chinese Communist Party have over the west? -
March 18th , 2013 - 67 words (en)
Where should I publish and who should I contact to spread anti censorship tools in Internet filtering countries? -
March 17th , 2013 - 439 words (en)
What are the top ten issues which the new Chinese leadership should focus on in the next ten years? -
February 14th , 2013 - 241 words (en)
Web Censorship in China: What are the statistics of tweets censored and taken down on Sina Weibo? Is there a way just to keep a history of that? -
January 21st , 2013 - 80 words (en)
The Data Journalism Lab Blog: Southern Weekend affair: WeiboScope detects an exceptionally high volume of deleted posts on Sina Weibo -
January 16th , 2013 - 654 words (en)
Which language learning program is more effective: Pimsleur or Rosetta Stone? -
January 15th , 2013 - 585 words (en)
What is the difference between 'ontology ' and 'epistemology '? -
January 8th , 2013 - 160 words (en)
Is it strange that the Great Chinese Firewall blocks Twitter but state-controlled media like Global Times use Twitter? -
January 7th , 2013 - 667 words (en)
What do the average French think of actor Gerard Dépardieu being offered Russian citizenship, and accepting, to avoid high French taxes? -
December 13th , 2012 - 74 words (en)
Which tools are available to collect social network data, aside from Netvizz, Twecoll, Divud, and Psychemedia Script? -
December 5th , 2012 - 344 words (en)
How do I answer when my 11 year old son asks if I 've ever taken drugs? -
November 19th , 2012 - 33 words (en)
Who is teaching infographics and visualization courses in Design, Communication, and Journalism schools? -
November 19th , 2012 - 212 words (en)
What are some movies with easy to understand Mandarin Chinese? -
November 19th , 2012 - 286 words (en)
What are important advantages and disadvantages of Symphony CMS when compared to Ruby on Rails? -
November 19th , 2012 - 3 words (en)
Is there a word that describes the instantaneous dissemination of a piece of knowledge gained by an individual to the rest of the world? -
November 19th , 2012 - 294 words (en)
Data Visualization: What is the best software for making infographs? -
November 19th , 2012 - 120 words (en)
Can you create a website in Chinese and sell in China without government approval? -
September 6th , 2012 - 21 words (en)
Node.js: What 's the best practice for structuring models with mongoose? -
May 10th , 2012 - 178 words (en)
Useful notes, tipsheets and videos from the School of Data Journalism for aspiring data journalists -
April 27th , 2012 - 11 words (en)
Interesting experiments shows similarities between neurons and social networks structure -
March 22nd , 2012 - 75 words (en)
Knight News Challenge: Feowl: Networked data-collection & power cuts monitoring -
December 13th , 2011 - 166 words (en)
From Gdocs to Wordpress : a complete web-first workflow for newspaper -
September 14th , 2011 - 2062 words (en)
Install your office in the cloud (Teambox, Heroku, S3, GDocs) -
June 2nd , 2011 - 7 words (en)
Where can I get good data on the number of smartphone users in India, China, Indonesia, Brazil and Mexico? -
May 23rd , 2011 - 4 words (en)
Is there any desktop client that supports Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Sina Weibo and Jiepang? -
November 24th , 2009 - 527 words (fr)
'Urban China : A Work in Progress' pour mieux comprendre la modernité urbaine chinoise -
January 8th , 2009 - 1391 words (fr)
Réactions en Chine à la vidéo anti-Sarkozy : un internaute témoigne -
November 6th , 2007 - 217 words (fr)
Prix Credit Cooperatif du meilleur article sur l'économie sociale