Add SIMILE Timeline to your custom content types
I was working on some custom content types and I wanted to use the SIMILE timeline for Wordpress, but I cannot get the metabox in the admin part.
What you have to change is inside the plugin code timeline.php, line 219.
It stills pretty much a dirty hack and it could be a good idea to implement content types further in the timeline admin area. I’ll see what I can do
* Custom box hook for post and page interface adds custom option box
function addPostPanelEventDates() {
$wpstl = WPSimileTimeline::singleton();
if( function_exists('add_meta_box')) {
add_meta_box( 'stl-timeline-event-data', __( 'SIMILE Timeline', 'stl_timeline' ), array('WPSimileTimelineAdmin', 'outputCustomPostDateOptions'), 'post', 'advanced' );
add_meta_box( 'stl-timeline-event-data', __( 'SIMILE Timeline', 'stl_timeline' ), array('WPSimileTimelineAdmin', 'outputCustomPostDateOptions'), 'page', 'advanced' );
add_meta_box( 'stl-timeline-event-data', __( 'SIMILE Timeline', 'stl_timeline' ), array('WPSimileTimelineAdmin', 'outputCustomPostDateOptions'), 'your custom content type name here', 'advanced' );