(Un)Locked: Memories of Wuhan
Wuhan, China - 2021(Un)Locked: Memories of Wuhan is a collection of essays, poetry, fiction, photography, and drawings about life in Wuhan before and during the early days of the Covid19 pandemic.
REALTIME: Making Digital China
Shenzhen, China - 2020'REALTIME: Making Digital China' is an investigation about China’s digital and urban infrastructure, practices and imaginary spaces.
The Pirate Book
Paris, France - 2016A compilation of stories about sharing, distributing and experiencing cultural contents outside the boundaries of local economies, politics, or laws.
Cost of Freedom
Pourrières, France - 2016Cost of Freedom is a collection of original writings about Free Culture born during a Book Sprint in an attempt to free Syrian open-source developer Bassel Khartabil.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Renaud, C., & Bideau, F. G. (2020). Le Maker, Construction d’une Figure Politique de l’innovation En Chine Urbaine. Electronic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences..
- Renaud, C., Fernandez, V., Puel, G., & Zhen, F. (2018). Urban Modes of Assemblage: The Changing Spaces of Innovation in Shanghai. Management International Review, 23(3), 131–140.
- Renaud, C. (2017). L’assemblage comme forme d’innovation. Techniques & Culture. Revue Semestrielle d’Anthropologie Des Techniques, 67, 100–115.
- Maigret, N., Roszkowska, M. R., & Renaud, C. (2017). Shanzhai Archeology. INMATERIAL. Diseño, Arte y Sociedad, 2(4).
- Renaud, C. (2016). Les mèmes internet : dynamiques d’énonciations sur le réseau social chinois Sina Weibo. Travaux De Linguistique, n\textdegree 73(2), 27–43.
- Renaud, C., Puel, G., & Fernandez, V. (2016). Topogrammes : Les Mèmes Internet Ont-Ils Un Mode de Propagation Spécifique ? Réseaux, 2016/1(195).
- Fernandez, V., Puel, G., & Renaud, C. (2016). The Open Innovation Paradigm: From Outsourcing to Open-Sourcing in Shenzhen, China. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 4(4), 27–41.
Academic Conferences
- Renaud, C. (organizer). (2018). Panel: Makers Communities and the Production of Technology in China. The 16th Chinese Internet Research Conference.
- Graezer-Bideau, F., & Renaud, C. (2018, October). Encountering Cultures of Making in China: Narratives and Practices of Co-Creative Communities. #Chinacreative: Users, Makers, Dreamers, a Workshop on Vernacular Creativity and Beyond.
- Renaud, C., & Bahde, G. (2018). From Davos to Beijing : the historical trajectory of the concept of sovereignty in Internet territories. 1st Conference on Computers Network History.
- Carrillo, R., Renaud, C., Prié, Y., & Lavoué, É. (2017). Dashboard for Monitoring Student Engagement in Mind Mapping Activities. Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference On, 433–437.
- Carrillo, R., Renaud, C., Prié, Y., & Lavoué, É. (2017). Tableau de bord pour le suivi de l’engagement des apprenants lors de la construction de cartes mentales. EIAH 2017.
- Renaud, C., Bolli, M., Laperrouza, M., & Bideau, F. G. (2017). Making the City: Re-Assembling Spaces of Manufacturing. CHI.
- Renaud, C. (2017). That’s you here on the map : introducing results to network participants. RECSNA17 : Recent Ethical Challenges in Social Network Analysis.
- Renaud, C., Puel, G., & Fernandez, V. (2016). Changing the Culture of Innovation in Shanghai: Open Innovation Spaces. GeoInnov2016.
- Renaud, C., & Bahde, G. (2016). Topogram: A Web Toolkit for Spatio-Temporal Network Mapping. Digital Humanities Conference 2016.
- Renaud, C. (2016). Topogram: Social Network Analysis for Humans. FOSSASIA16.
- Renaud, C., Fernandez, V., & Puel, G. (2015). Learning in the fab city : open innovation and the renewal of manufacturing in Shenzhen. 13 Conference 2015.
- Renaud, C., & De Seta, G. (2014). Memes as Methods: A Dialogue between Ethnographic and Data Mining Approaches to User-Generated Content on the Chinese Internet. Chinese Internet Research Conference 14.
- Renaud, C., Fernandez, V., & Puel, G. (2014). Les Mèmes Du Web Chinois : Analyse de La Généricité et Spécificités Des Modes de Propagation à Partir d ’ Outils de SNA et de Visualisation. AIM2014.
- Renaud, C. (2014). Meme Observation and Classification on a Large Corpus of Tweets from Sina Weibo Memes on Sina Weibo. CIRC14, 1–9.
- Renaud, C., Fernandez, V., & Puel, G. (2013). Mèmes Internet et Réseaux Sociaux Chinois : État Des Lieux et Perspectives d ’ Analyse. AIM2013, 1–25.
- Museum L, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2018 (BE)
- Watermans Art Center, London, 2018 (UK)
- Fake, Science gallery,, Dublin, 2018 (IR)
- Feedback #2, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018 (DE)
- Stereolux, Nantes, 2017 (FR)
- FeedBack #1, West Gallery, The Hague, 2017 (NL)
- Kunsthaus, Langenthal, 2017 (CH)
- Galerie Charcot, Paris, 2017 (FR)
- Mapping Festival, Geneva, 2017 (CH)
- The Working Promesse, Internationale Design Biennale, Saint-Etienne, 2017 (FR)
- One Space, Shanghai, 2014 (CN)
- Shanghai Maker Karnival, Shanghai, 2014 (CN)
- Smart City Biennale at Chinese Museum Of Digital Arts, Beijing, 2012 (CN)
- RAWR! at CaoChangdi - Beijing Design Week, Beijing, 2012 (CN)
- Mogashan Rd, V-Art Center, Shanghai, 2012 (CN)
- One Space, Shanghai, 2014 (CN)
- Shanghai Maker Karnival, Shanghai, 2014 (CN)
- Smart City Biennale at Chinese Museum Of Digital Arts, Beijing, 2012 (CN)
- RAWR! at CaoChangdi - Beijing Design Week, Beijing, 2012 (CN)
- Mogashan Rd, V-Art Center, Shanghai, 2012 (CN)
Selected talks, lectures and teachings
Renaud C., (2023). Shenzhen. Sciences Po - slides
Renaud C., (2023). Abrégé de Mythologie Numérique en Chine. La Generale - Paris - slides
Renaud C., (2020). Maker Communities: A Landscape of Spaces and Practices. Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts at Shenzhen University of Science and Technology - slides
Renaud C., (2019). New Frontiers of Representation - The Planetary Scale. Mirage Festival, Lyon - slides
Renaud C., (2018). L'écriture exemplaire : le numérique comme infrastructure socio-politique en Chine.. La Gaité Lyrique, Paris - slides
Renaud C., (2018). Visualiser l'évolution spatio-temporelle des réseaux. GeoViz 2018, Assois - slides
Renaud C., (2018). Epistémologie du champ de la visualisation. GeoViz 2018, Assois - slides
Renaud C., (2018). The Making of Technology in Shenzhen, Local and Global Implications. Goldsmisths University, London - HEAD, Geneva - EPFL, Lausanne - Harvard Graduate School of Design - slides
Renaud C., (2017). From Davos to Beijing : the historical trajectory of the concept of sovereignty in Internet territories. 'Computer Networks Histories' Conference, Lugano, 14–15 December 2017 - slides
Renaud C., (2017). “Mass makerspaces” : un projet de renouveau urbain par l’innovation technologique en Chine. Going East - EPFL, Lausanne - slides
Renaud C., (2017). Systèmes techniques de lecture et d'écriture. ENSSIB, Lyon - slides
Renaud C., (2016). Dataviz : imaginer et construire un projet de visualisation de données. Les Subsistances, Lyon - slides
Renaud C., (2016). Notes and reflections about growing innovation in Shanghai. PSPE Forum, Shanghai - slides
Renaud C., (2016). ARC5 - Culture et recherche : quelles coopérations en région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes ? Résultats préliminaires. Journées de l'ARC5. Les Subsistances, Lyon - slides
Renaud C., (2016). Shanzhai Archeology . Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin - slides
Renaud C., (2016). Codes, réseaux, et photos de chats... Quel avenir pour les écritures visuelles ?. ESTACOM / Parcours ETIC, Blois - slides
Renaud C., (2014). Conception d’un outil d’analyse et de visualisation des mèmes Internet. Telecom ParisTech, Paris - slides
Renaud C., (2014). Initiation à la visualisation avec Processing. Batofar, Paris - slides
Renaud C., (2014). DDJ101 - Data Literacy for Journalists. Hôtel de Région, Lyon - slides
Renaud C., (2012). Urban Organology - TEDx Wuxi. Wuxi Art Museum, China - slides
Online profiles
ORCID ID (0000-0001-5890-1627) | Google Scholar |
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