What do French phone numbers look like?
Phone numbers in France are made of 10 digits
- the first digit is a zero.
- the second digit express the type of number being used : 1 is Paris, 2 to 4 are landlines (divided in 4 geographical zones), 6 and 7 are mobile numbers, 8 are “special numbers “ (free or premium-rate number). Since 2006, 9 is used by web providers to offer landlines.
- the rest depends on companies or numbers
ex. A mobile phone : 06 23 12 45 54 A landline in Bordeaux : 05 56 10 20 30
International prefix is +33 or +590/596/594 for French overseas departments and territories.
source : Préfixes des numéros de téléphone en France métropolitaine
This text was originally published in quora.