Please use left/right keyboard arrows to navigate prev/next --- class: center, middle, inverse # New Frontiers of Representation ## The Planetary Scale
### Clément Renaud ### @clemsos
2019 --- background-image: url(./img/shan-shui-cheng.jpg) class: middle, center, inverse # The World is Changing --- background-image: url(./img/planetary-boundaries.jpg) .inverse[ # New Planetary Boundaries ] .footnote.inverse[ Stockholm Resilience Center ] --- background-image: url(./img/great-acceleration.png) .inverse[ # The Great Acceleration ] .footnote.inverse[ Steffen & al., 2015 ] --- background-image: url(./img/UABB_CARTOGRAPHIES-OF-PLANETARY-URBANISATION_Topalovic.jpg) .inverse[ # Planetory Urbanisation ] .footnote.inverse[ Schmid, Brenner & Topalovic, 2018] ] --- class: inverse background-image: url(./img/Submarine_Cable.jpg) .inverse[ # Global Infrastructures ] .footnote.inverse[ Submarine Cable Map ] --- background-image: url(./img/Antikythera-Mechanism.jpg) class: inverse .inverse[ # Technosphere ] .footnote.inverse[ (Haff, 2014) ] --- class: center background-image: url(../shenzhen-the-making-of-technology/img/Electronics_factory_in_Shenzhen-min.jpg) .inverse[ # Manufacturing the world ] .inverse.footnote[ Micro-soldering in Guangdong, Wikipedia ] --- background-image: url(./img/gravity-shift.jpg) .inverse[ # Shift in Global Economic Gravity Center ] .footnote.inverse[ McKinsey / Quah, 2011 ] --- class: center .inverse[ # Building up the "global village" ] .col-one-half[ .inverse[Information Highways (1991)] ![](../shenzhen-the-making-of-technology/img/cyber_politics-bill.png) ] .col-one-half[ .inverse[Golden Projects (1992)] ![](../shenzhen-the-making-of-technology/img/cyber_politics-jiang.png) ] --- class: inverse, cover, middle, center background-image: url(../EPFL-GoingEast/img/shenzhen.jpg) .inverse[ # Shenzhen : 1978-2018 ] --- class:inverse background-image: url(../EcritureExemplaire/img/mingong-phone.jpeg) # Digital as social infrastructure --- class:inverse background-image: url(../EcritureExemplaire/img/credit-system-official.jpg) .inverse[ # Figuring out the admin rights ] .inverse.footnote[ Shanghai Gov ] --- class: inverse background-image: url("../EcritureExemplaire/img/Lawrence_Lessig.jpg") # "Code is Law" .inverse.footnote[ Lessig, 2003 ] --- background-image: url(./img/earth-temperature.png) .inverse[ # The Digital Regulation of Ecosystems ] .inverse.footnote[ Berkeley Earth Center ] --- background-image: url(./img/bitcoin-mining.png) .inverse[ # The Thermodynamics of Data ] .footnote.inverse[ Bloomberg Energy Report ] --- class: inverse background-image: url(./img/thermal_pi.png) # Exploring representations --- background-image: url(./img/micromesomacro.png) --- background-image: url(./img/atlasofdata.png) --- background-image: url(./img/seedvault.jpg) class: middle, center, inverse # @atlasofdata
## Thank you!