Clément Renaud

Clément Renaud - CV

Clément Renaud

PhD, Economics and Management

Born in 1983. Married.
Lives in Tours, France.
+33 (0)6 43 34 56 55


Trained in both humanities and engineering, Clément Renaud owns a phD in Economics and Management from ParisTech Telecom. He wrote his first computer program in 1995, spent a decade in China, and explores with passion the ways digital technology transforms our representation of the world.

His favourite research topics includes design of complex systems, geography of technology, data visualisation, anthropology of writing technics, and the history of computing in Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta. He has taught and lectured in various universities and design schools such as EPFL, Harvard GSD, ECAL, Paris Sorbonne, Goldsmiths, Fudan University, ENS de Lyon, Heidelberg University, EM Lyon, ENSSIB.

As a business owner, he provides design, research and development services for non-profits, research institutions, governments, and private companies worldwide. He also contributes to several art collectives and maintains open-source software libraries and applications.


Design, Research & Development

Clément Renaud (owner)

Feb 2009 – Present (14 yrs 5 mos)

Build, lead, create, design, investigate, visualize, develop, translate, publish, release, maintain, organize, coordinate, teach, train, collect, investigate, report, assemble.

Advisory Board Member

Fabricatorz Foundation

Jan 2015 – Present (8 yrs 6 mos)

Fabricatorz is a global art technology studio based in San Francisco and Hong Kong credited from projects with Fortune 500 companies, A-list International artists, top museums, galleries, and educational institutions.

Member / Researcher

Jan 2014 – Present (9 yrs 6 mos) is a collective working at the interface between contemporary art, research and hacking. Their work and has been presented internationally - e.g. Centre Pompidou (Paris), Transmediale (Berlin), the Museum of Art and Design (New York), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), ZKM (Karlsruhe).

Postdoctoral Researcher (Innovation in Urban China)

EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)

Feb 2017 – Jul 2019 (2 yrs 6 mos)

2-years research about makers communities in China and urban, technological and industrial transition of four major Chinese cities (Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu) in the post “Made in China” era.

Researcher (Data Visualisation)

École normale supérieure de Lyon

Feb 2018 – Feb 2019 (1 yr 1 mo)

Structure and develop a core competency in design and data visualisation at the Rhone-Alpes Institute for Complex Systems (IXXI) - workshops, events, research community, scientific articles, conference.

Founder / Lead Developer


Jan 2016 – Aug 2018 (2 yrs 8 mos)

Topogram is an open-source web toolkit to visualize how networks evolves over time and space. Features: time-based navigation in graph, network layouts, geographic data, online, real-time data API

PhD / Postdoctoral Researcher

Télécom Paris

Aug 2012 – Jun 2015 (2 yrs 11 mos)

- phD : “Design of a Internet memes data visualisation toolkit - The case of the Chinese social network Sina Weibo” (see education section below) - post-Doctoral research: Open Innovation Models in Urban China (OPIMUC), funded by the French Agence National de la Recherche (ANR) in the Innovative Society program in partnership with Nanjing University

Cofounder / Researcher

Sharism Lab

Nov 2011 – Apr 2013 (1 yr 6 mos)

Sharism Lab was a China-based research initiative that investigates social networks dynamics to provide new understanding about the sharing economy. Co-founded with Isaac Mao (known as « first blogger in China » and members of the Chinese Blogger Conference.

Interactive Media Designer

Urban China

Feb 2011 – May 2011 (4 mos)

Urban China is the reference Chinese-language magazine about culture and architecture of cities in China.

Interactive Multimedia Lecturer

Raffles Education Corporation

Oct 2010 – Jan 2011 (4 mos)

University Lecturer

Wuhan Institute of Technology

Sep 2008 – Sep 2010 (2 yrs 1 mo)


Humble Stories

Mar 2008 – Jun 2008 (4 mos)

An experimental social geo-localized network using data visualization and QR codes to relate the daily life in the artistic village of Songzhuang in Beijng, China


#### Télécom Paris

PhD, Economics and Management

2012 – 2015

Design of a Internet memes data visualisation toolkit - The case of the Chinese social network Sina Weibo

We develop a data mining and visualisation toolkit to study how the information is shared on online social network services. This software allows to observe relationships between conversational, semantical, temporal and geographical dimensions of online com- munication acts.Internet memes are short messages that spread quickly through the Web. Supervisors: Valerie Fernandez (ParisTech Telecom, France ) & Gilles Puel (Toulouse 2 university, France)

Université Paris 8

Master 2, Création et édition numérique

2007 – 2008

Université de Montréal

Licence, Communication

2005 – 2007

Ecole Supérieure de l’Image

First year, Fine Arts

2001 – 2002

Licenses & certifications

HSK (Chinese language) Level 5 - C1 - Chinese Ministry of Education

Issued May 2012

Qualified Assistant Professor in Geography (section 23) - CNRS

Issued Jun 2018